Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Breakfast with the Princesses

Saturday October 11, 2008 9:00am - 10:30 am
Courtyard Marriott
1600 Westbrook Plaza Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103

My Party Palace Triad will host its annual event to benefit breast cancer awareness and research. Last year's event was entitled "Breakfast with Cinderella". This year's event will be bigger and better! With sponsorship from Courtyard Marriott, "Breakfast with the Princesses" will be held October 11, 2008 from 9:00am until 10:30am. (Cinderella, Belle, Ariel, and Snow White will be in attendance!!!) The cost is $22.00 per person and net proceeds will be donated to Cancer Services, a United Way Agency, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month and Co's Hope Foundation. Attendees will enjoy crafts, Princess Autograph session, buffet breakfast and storytime!

Monday, September 22, 2008

HoneyBee Festival

We had the wonderful opportunity of having a booth at the Annual Honeybee Festival in Kernersville this weekend! Our both was full of polka dots! Belle visited with little ones from 10:30-12:30 and we polished nails for free all day!

One of the most familiar insects in the world is the Honeybee. This member of the insect order Hymenoptera plays a key role in the human and natural world. More has been written about honeybees than any other species of insect. The human fascination with this insect began thousands of years ago when people discovered what wonderfully tasty stuff honey is!
Honey is a thick liquid produced by certain types of bees from the nectar of flowers. While many species of insects consume nectar, honeybees refine and concentrate nectar to make honey. Indeed, they make lots of honey so they will have plenty of food for times when flower nectar is unavailable, such as winter. Unlike most insects, honeybees remain active through the winter, consuming and metabolizing honey in order to keep from freezing to death. Early humans probably watched bears and other mammals raid bee hives for honey and then tried it themselves. Once people found out what honey was, next they had to learn how to get it from the bees safely!

Honeybees have a bright color pattern to warn potential predators (or honey thieves!) that they have a weapon to defend themselves. Their weapon is a modified ovipositor (egg-laying tube). This is combined with a venom gland to create a stinger (formally known as an aculeus) located at the end of the abdomen. Because the stinger is modified from a structure found only in females, male bees cannot sting. When the hive is threatened, honeybees will swarm out and attack with their stingers to drive the enemy away.

Honeybees, like most insects, look at the world through compound eyes. These are made of hundreds of small simple eyes called ommatidia. The images received by all the ommatidia are put together in the insect's brain to give it a very different way of seeing the world. Honeybees are social insects. In the wild, they create elaborate nests called hives containing up to 20,000 individuals during the summer months. (Domestic hives may have over 80,000 bees.) They work together in a highly structured social order. Each bee belongs to one of three specialized groups called castes. The different castes are: queens, drones and workers.
There is only one queen in a hive and her main purpose in life is to make more bees. She can lay over 1,500 eggs per day and will live two to eight years. She is larger (up to 20mm) and has a longer abdomen than the workers or drones. She has chewing mouthparts. Her stinger is curved with no barbs on it and she can use it many times.

Drones, since they are males, have no stinger. They live about eight weeks. Only a few hundred - at most - are ever present in the hive. Their sole function is to mate with a new queen, if one is produced in a given year. A drone's eyes are noticeably bigger than those of the other castes. This helps them to spot the queens when they are on their nuptial flight. Any drones left at the end of the season are considered non-essential and will be driven out of the hive to die.

Worker bees are female and do all the different tasks needed to maintain and operate the hive (SURPRISE, SURPRISE!). They make up the vast majority of the hive's occupants and they are all sterile females. When young, they are called house bees and work in the hive doing comb construction, brood rearing, tending the queen and drones, cleaning, temperature regulation and defending the hive. Older workers are called field bees. They forage outside the hive to gather nectar, pollen, water and certain sticky plant resins used in hive construction. Workers born early in the season will live about 6 weeks while those born in the fall will live until the following spring. Workers are about 12 mm long and highly specialized for what they do, with a structure called a pollen basket (or corbiculum) on each hind leg, an extra stomach for storing and transporting nectar or honey and four pairs of special glands that secrete beeswax on the underside of their abdomen. They have a straight, barbed stinger which can only be used once. It rips out of their abdomen after use, which kills the bee.
(Adapted From: http://www.gpnc.org/honeybee.htm)

For more interesting facts about Honeybees: http://www.bees-online.com/Beesite.htm

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Diva Mamas

Mommy, Mommy, Nana, Mommy, Mimi

We get to see a lot of Mommies every weekend! It is so great to see fabulous women! This weekend, we had the opportunity of hosting parties for little girls whose mothers are true Divas! These were women who took the time to take care of themselves! Fantastic hair styles, flattering fashions, great attitudes and smiles--even when they got lost trying to find us!

Modelling good self-care for our daughters is a wonderful thing! Everyone has heard the old saying, If Mama ain't happy, nobody is happy! Just like a toddler, exhausted Mommies are crabby, irritated, and in need of R&R! At My Party Palace Triad, we are all about the empowerment of women and girls! We allow girls and Mommies to let their hair hang down and have fun being a girl!

There is really something magical that happens in our party studio---you just have to come and see for yourself!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Passing the Tiara

We are spreading diva and princess dust all over our community. We donate our time, talent, and financial resources to deserving community based organizations quarterly. We also have started our own non-profit organization, A Princess Wish (http://www.aprincesswish.org/), which provides empowerment through girly celebrations to deserving girls nationwide!

When you host your daughter's party with us, she not only has a blast, but hundreds of other girls and women get to have a blast as well! We stand behind our mission of empowering girls and women! At My Party Palace Triad, we party fabulously..................with purpose!

Past Events:
(Click on the link below the title to see photos)

Breakfast with Cinderella 10/2007

Girl Scout Event 04/2008

March for Babies 04/2008

Race for the Cure 05/2008

Upcoming Events:

"Food for Forsyth Fairy Party with Tinkerbell"
Hunger Action Month Project
Saturday September 13, 2008
Chick-Fil A Main Street Kernersville, NC

"Breakfast with the Princesses"
Proceeds donated to Cancer Services of Northwest North Carolina
Saturday October 11, 2008
Courtyard Marriott
Winston-Salem, NC
(Click below to book!)