Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Future So Bright, We Gotta Wear Shades!

"I study nuclear science,
I love my classes I got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses
Things are going great, and they're only getting better
I'm doing all right, getting good grades
The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades, I gotta wear shades"
(Timbuk 3) written by: Pat McDonald
At My Party Palace, empowerment of girls and women is our number 1 priority! At each party, the girls put on a "Fashion show" for the Mommies! We call out each girl's name, describe what she is wearing and announce into the Universe what she aspires to become! We also conduct a self-esteem session with the girls, where each one takes an oath that affirms how truly special she is! Most of the time, the birthday girl has been showered with love her entire life--it is some of the guests that may have never heard that they are special, talented and smart! In a society where the media dictates what is acceptable, we all have a true responsibility to encourage the women of tomorrow to be the best they can be!

"A new study confirmed that education plays a key role in improving women's lives. Among women who were college graduates, 95 percent said that things were going at least fairly well, compared with only 3 percent of the women who had not completed high school. "

Encourage new, non-traditional thinking and methods of problem solving. Help foster an environment where girls know it's acceptable to get sweaty and dirty in pursuit of a goal.
Become a media critic and encourage that approach in your daughter. Discuss with her the
portrayals of girls and women on television, in movies, in magazines and in popular music. Does the media offer positive or negative role models for girls? Explore the messages and assumptions that the media is sending. These discussions provide ideal opportunities to explore the roles of girls and women in society.

For more information:

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